No Gluten? No Dairy? No Eggs? No Problem!


Your New Thanksgiving Tradition: Allergen-Free Pumpkin Gooey Butter Cake!

Yes! I Need This Recipe

Say goodbye to cardboard-like flavors and limited pumpkin dessert options.


The candid reality is baking desserts free of gluten, dairy, and egg is hard.

Especially the challenge of recreating that creamy, gooey texture we all love in our desserts without dairy.

But we've found the secret ingredient to whip up this Pumpkin Gooey Butter Cake.

And now after being a hit in our bakery we are sharing the recipe with you!


allergen free pumpkin recipes
allergen free pumpkin recipes

Our Pumpkin Gooey Butter Cake recipe ticks all the right boxes, and then some.

allergen free pumpkin recipes


Gluten, dairy, eggs, you name it, it's not there. Perfect for those of you navigating the tricky waters of food restrictions.

allergen free thanksgiving recipes

Incredible Flavors

This recipe isn’t just about what’s not in it, it's also about the incredible flavors that are. We're talking a mixture of spices that'll make your taste buds think they've gone to flavor town.

allergen free pumpkin recipes

Video Guide

With our step-by-step video guide, even the most kitchen-challenged can pull off this dessert marvel. No more guessing if your cake is too jiggly, you'll see exactly how it's done.

Being allergen-free doesn’t mean you have to compromise on taste or pleasure.

This Pumpkin Gooey Butter Cake is here to prove just that! Ready to be the Thanksgiving hero?

Indulge Guilt-Free This Holiday with Our Allergen-Free Pumpkin Gooey Butter Cake Recipe

With This Allergen-Free Pumpkin Gooey Butter Cake Recipe, You Can Have Your Cake and Eat It Too! That's right, no gluten, no dairy, no eggs.

You might be thinking, "What's left, just the tin?" Nope, with a little magic (and a few ingredient swaps), you're left with a drool-worthy Thanksgiving dessert that even your dairy-loving Aunt Carol won't be able to resist.

  • Allergen-Free: Toss those food restrictions out the window because this cake is gluten, dairy, and egg-free. It's like the unicorn of Thanksgiving desserts!
  • Incredibly Flavorful: Don't mistake allergen-free for flavor-free. This cake has a perfect blend of fall spices that'll make your taste buds think they've hit the flavor jackpot.
  • Easy-to-Follow Video Guide: Baking not your strong suit? Don't sweat it! We've got a step-by-step video guide that makes following this recipe as easy as pie...or in this case, cake.
  • Sure to Impress: This cake isn't just tasty, it's a showstopper. Be ready for the oohs and aahs as you reveal the star dessert of your Thanksgiving feast.
  • Practical Storage Tips: Got leftovers? We doubt it, but just in case, we've got the best tips to store your cake and keep it fresh.

Lifetime Access


one time payment

  • Step-by-step Pumpkin Gooey Butter Cake Recipe
  • Five Video Lessons walking you through each step of the baking process
  • Ingredient and Supply List
  • Tips and Tricks for Ingredients, Baking, and Storing your cake
  • Digital Workbook to have at your fingertips
  • Get any questions answered inside the course comment area

Remember, our Pumpkin Gooey Butter Cake isn't just a dessert—it's a stand against dry, flavorless, allergen-free alternatives. It's time to shake up your holiday baking, one gooey slice at a time!